I really enjoyed this weeks lesson on a topic I was a little foggy on. However, I was suprised when we went over Microsoft Project! I knew about the program, and was under the impression not a lot of other people did. I used it for one of my intenships over the summer. With my major being Public Relations and us using Gantt charts a lot, I found this program very useful!
The book, on page 623 talks about Project Management Software. It's software a project manager can use to assist them in things like planning and implementating, and making sure all parts of the project were divided up and among whom. The book talks about Gantt charts and PERT charts, both of which I have learned about in my PR classes.
A Gantt chart is abar chart that uses horizontal bars to show the project phases or activities. It is pictured above and was invented by Henry L. Gantt.
A PERT chart, pictured above, is a chart that analyzes the time requried to complete a task and the minimum time required to do so. It was developed by the US Department of Defense.
Either of these charts would be useful. During my internship, I used Microsoft Project to assign tasks to other interns who were Freshman. It gave due dates and short project descriptions for each. I found it very helpful.
Below is a link to a video to help you use Microsoft Project. When I first started using it, I found it very difficult to understand and manevuer until I finally got the hang of it! Hope this helps.
Microsoft Project help: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2tQLHD1cRk
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