Saturday, November 20, 2010

Secure E-mail Project

It was truly an experience using Thunderbird for this project. I have never even heard of it before. One thing I do know, it makes my computer run super slow! Aside from that it is a pretty cool application.

This article was from This article talks about Sprint, Sprint PCS and Cingular all getting mobile, wireless secure e-mail apps or features for their phones. It is amazing how fast technology is changing and instead of reading about new secure e-mail programs online, we are reading about them being installed on wireless devices.

Sprint is also debuting a secure more like "text messaging" system where IT persons at a company can download the program at the computer and you can send e-mails and text messages simultaneiously.

I think with the way corporate America is going wireless, this is defintely needed.

I never knew how to encrypt an e-mail or what that even meant until this project. It was really interesting to even sign up with VeriSign because I had no idea what any of that even was. Very information and meaningful project!

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