Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 6: Clear

I really enjoy Week 6's material. I feel like it applied a lot to me and to some new things I needed to get a better grasp one. I wanted to focus my post this week on 3 input/output devices used to get images. Because I use all three of these, as well as own all 3 of these, I thought it would be neat to do a clear post on it.

When using a scanner, professor states from the video that we need to be aware of copyright when using someone else's photographs. I recently ran into this problem myself. I was at Wal-Mart scanning some enagement pictures of mine that I had just gotten recently taken by a local professional. A photo clerk at Wal-Mart stopped me, and of course, I had the typed up verification from my photographer that it was OK for me to use those photos and scan them. Otherwise, like according to the lecture, it would have been copyright.

All three of these devices can be used to get excellent quality pictures. I love my digital camera and take it just abut everywhere with me. It is easy to dock to my laptop to see my pictures as well. I use my web cam to Skype with relatives that do not live in Florida. Sometimes, I will use my web cam to take a picture. Although it is a little hard to center yourself just right, it still works just fine, especially when no on is around to take a picture of you, for you, with your digital camera.

Relating back to the web cam, at first I was not sure exactly how to take pictures with the cam. I thought it may be easy, but, I was wrong. I was able to find a helpful YouTube video that gave me a short tutorial on how-to. Maybe if you are having a hard time, you can watch it, too. I do believe it all depends on what web cam software and brand that you purchase, but on YouTube you can find just about anything. Here is the link:

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