Friday, October 22, 2010

Week 9: Clear

This week, I learned a lot more that I did not know about search engines. I think I have this automatic habit of just ALWAYS using Google, for everything. I really like the textbook information on search engines because it puts things into a more clear view.

This part of the text can be found on page 85 of the (new) textbook.

Search engines can be really helpful when locating things on the web, especially when you don't know the exact web address or you are just looking for new information. Some search engines, like Google, can narrow down your search to just images, videos, audio, news, maps and the newest one, blogs. I use Google Maps at least once a week for different ideas for travel or even for local Gainesville road searches.

There are thousands of search engines, as mentioned in the book, and with the extensive list they give on page 85, I had never even heard of a lot of these. One that rings in my head, one of the newer ones, is "Bing". I can remember the commercials- "Search one and done."

Some search engines even have search bars you can download to add to your current Internet Explorer or Mozilla or the like. Below is an example of one of those.

I currently do not have any added download bars on my Internet Explorer page, probably because I am so addicted to Google, and I like going to the page and seeing the change of the "Google" logo every now and then, changed with popular culture.

Here are some in the book that I tried out, because I had never heard of them before, and I happen to like them!
This website I found is called, "Search Engine Showdown." It is a HUGE graph with all the search engines listed, and everything they do for the user. I found it very interesting. It was like a continuation from what was in the book. The web site I have listed below:

Hope this helps!

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