Here is a link to my Web 2.0 Presentation:
This project was by no means easy to me. Even though I am pretty comfortable with PowerPoint, I had never added the narration to the slides before. I must admit, the end result was pretty cool and made me look at web presentations in a whole new way. I have, however, had experience with placing a YouTube video into a PowerPoint presentation before. So that was easy.
Here is an evaluation of mine, according to the rubric.
I think there is a logical flow and sequence. I think I helped this by using "10 reasons YOU should donate." It helps keeps the listeners on a path to the end of my presentation: Excellent. I'm not sure I do a good job at anticipating questions, mainly because I am dishing out information on different levels, but I feel like I hit the main points well enough not to keep the auidence guessing: Meets the Minimum. I think I grab my auidnces attention, with the text style and pictures, and with the "10 reasons" heading- it keeps the listeners wondering what will be next: Excellent. I do believe I spark curiosity, with the Even pictures for one, as that is #1 on the presentation. Who does not like a good, fun event? I used that as the first point to spark questions: Excellent. I think it is clear what I am trying to present, however, beyond my control, I am curretly sick and my voice is going in and out during the presenation. It's hard to share a good presentation with poo voice narration: Meets the Minimum. I think I do a good job validating claims: Exellent. I do not believe my presentation has any unbelieveable claims or typos: Excellent. I avoid clutter, however, I could have worked on the use of white space, I just did not want to overwhelm my viewers, especially since this is to get donations: Meets the Minimum. I do think my presentation ensures readability, mainly because I did not overwhelm my slides with text: Excellent. Also, because I do not have a lot of text to just read, I think I did say and show and not read directly off the slides: Excellent.
I learned some thing critiquing someone else's project. First, it's not easy to make your own Web 2.0 presentation, so it was even harded to grade someone else's. I liked watching the other porjects, though, so it almost made evaluating them fun. Critiquing others made you really look at the content, even down to the text to check for typo's, and it made me look more thourough into mine to check for these errors.
I will definitely use this in the business envirnoment again, especially in my next internship or first job if it calls for it. I learned a lot, especially as mentioned adding the vocie narration to my PowerPoint; it was almost kind of fun to hear my voice directing the presentation. I learned that Web 2.0 presentations are effective and even fun to watch. Also, getting the copyright information was no big deal, so it made the project fun. My organization was willing to let me use photos and one video, so it made the project go by more swift.
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